We hope the Light from the candles will help you find your way to wellness,Relax and Enjoy

The Vision

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Is all about educating and empowering people to take Proper care of their Body, Mind and Spirit. We use all of the valuable resources given to us. Like Yoga, Holistic Massage Therapy, Meditating, Eating Right for your Health. At Butterfly Essential Wellness Spa, We believe in sharing the Beauty of Wellness with you, so that you can empower your family.

Leave The Relaxing To Us

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How Do you Handle Stress?

1. What is stress? - Stress is the body and mind’s response to any pressure that disrupts their normal balance. It occurs when our perceptions of events don’t meet our expectations and we don’t manage our reactions to the disappointment. Stress- that unmanaged reaction-expresses itself as resistance, tension, strain, or frustration, throwing off our physiological and psychological equilibrium and keeping us out of sync.
2. How can we manage stress? - By first acknowledging that we are under stress. Stress for some of us has become very normal so we don’t even know we are suffering. After we acknowledge we have stress we then can implement a wellness plan. Starting from the (inside out)
3. How important is wellness to the African American Community?
Wellness is extremely important in all communities. In the African American Community we need to take better care of ourselves open our minds so we can understand first what
(Being Well) is all about.
4. What is Wellness? It takes more than physical exercise to maintain good health. Balance is the key to leading a healthy lifestyle. Wellness is the dynamic process of becoming aware of taking responsibility for making choices that directly contribute to one's well being. It is the integration of body, mind and spirit and the ongoing development of one's own meaning in life. There are 8 dimensions to wellness
We cannot afford not to take better care of ourselves.
Unmanaged Stress turns into Deadly dis-eases

Dis-ease-is an emotional and spiritual discomfort. It is disharmony of the soul. It is often related to plaguing doubts, painful meomories.hurtful stress unforgivness towards others.

What you feel Emotionally Becomes how you feel Physically

Here are some emotions that causes dis-eases
1. Anger and Hostility~ Hypertension and Coronary Artery Disease
2. Resentment, Bitterness, Unforgiveness, and self-hatred ~Autoimmune Disorders, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, and Multiple Sclerosis
3. Anxiety~ Irritable Bowels Syndrome, Panic Attacks, Mitral Valve,Prolapse, and Heart Palpitations
4. Repressed Anger~ Tension and Migraine Headaches, Chronic Back Pain,Tmj,and Fibromyalgia

Procrastination is a thief
Make the time
You are worth it
Spend your money wisely
Invest in your wellness maintence plan today
Adopt good habits

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