We hope the Light from the candles will help you find your way to wellness,Relax and Enjoy

The Vision

My photo
Is all about educating and empowering people to take Proper care of their Body, Mind and Spirit. We use all of the valuable resources given to us. Like Yoga, Holistic Massage Therapy, Meditating, Eating Right for your Health. At Butterfly Essential Wellness Spa, We believe in sharing the Beauty of Wellness with you, so that you can empower your family.

Leave The Relaxing To Us

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Butterfly Favorite Books & Music for the Month of October

We Love Music Gospel and Jazz. Music is good for the soul
2 Great Books to buy, you can order on Amozon.com or Barnes&Nobles great reads enjoy.

Creating A Stress Free Home

Creating A Calming Home Without Stressing
Lets get rid of the clutter and turn your space into a place you can actu-ally relax in, let’s learn how to turn any space into a Zen Oasis.
1. Let nature guide you.
Get inspiration from your natural sur-roundings while choosing your colors in nature. Find magnificent trees and stones to draw inspiration from.
2. Engage all of the senses.
When creating a soothing space
Sound , smell ,taste, and touch are just as important as sight. I person-
ally love sage and lemongrass, so I often keep a diffuser going.
3. Dim the lights.
Instead of using overhead lights, try using floor and tabletop lamps with dimmers to create a softer ambi-ence.
4. Don’t ignore the floor.
Natural flooring helps create a calm environ-ment. “Use materials like stone or wood help set the stage or try add-ing a bamboo matt or rug.
5. Avoid clutter at all cost.
Keep accessories to a minimum and make sure the pieces you choose aren’t to large for the room.
6. Apply aromatherapy
Essential oils of plants contain highly vibrating energies that stimulate and invigorate us
7.Harbor healthy air
Enjoy the breeze.

Creating Powerful Affirmations

What Words of Life are you speaking?Language consist of words and sym-bols that have meanings, and mean-ings are what shape our perceptions. And our perceptions shape our reality. So when you start chang-ing your language, you start changing mean-ings. When you can change meanings, you can change your real-ity. If you can change your reality , you can change your life. When you start using new words, you start creating space for new meanings and new realities to emerge and come forth in your life. Our words are not only vehicles of communica-tion, they also reveal our state of mind. A powerful tool that paves the way for positive life change is affirmations. To affirm means to “make firm” or to “declare positively”. The most magnificent thing about affirmations is that they really work.

But remember , they must be re-peated and practiced diligently. Re-placing old language with new lan-guage requires attention, time, prac-tice, and discipline. Let’s try a few
1. I want to lose weight– affirmation I release weight easily and effort-lessly.
2. I’m on a diet– affirmation
I make conscious eating choices
That serve me and support my
Body temple.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How Do you Handle Stress?

1. What is stress? - Stress is the body and mind’s response to any pressure that disrupts their normal balance. It occurs when our perceptions of events don’t meet our expectations and we don’t manage our reactions to the disappointment. Stress- that unmanaged reaction-expresses itself as resistance, tension, strain, or frustration, throwing off our physiological and psychological equilibrium and keeping us out of sync.
2. How can we manage stress? - By first acknowledging that we are under stress. Stress for some of us has become very normal so we don’t even know we are suffering. After we acknowledge we have stress we then can implement a wellness plan. Starting from the (inside out)
3. How important is wellness to the African American Community?
Wellness is extremely important in all communities. In the African American Community we need to take better care of ourselves open our minds so we can understand first what
(Being Well) is all about.
4. What is Wellness? It takes more than physical exercise to maintain good health. Balance is the key to leading a healthy lifestyle. Wellness is the dynamic process of becoming aware of taking responsibility for making choices that directly contribute to one's well being. It is the integration of body, mind and spirit and the ongoing development of one's own meaning in life. There are 8 dimensions to wellness
We cannot afford not to take better care of ourselves.
Unmanaged Stress turns into Deadly dis-eases

Dis-ease-is an emotional and spiritual discomfort. It is disharmony of the soul. It is often related to plaguing doubts, painful meomories.hurtful stress unforgivness towards others.

What you feel Emotionally Becomes how you feel Physically

Here are some emotions that causes dis-eases
1. Anger and Hostility~ Hypertension and Coronary Artery Disease
2. Resentment, Bitterness, Unforgiveness, and self-hatred ~Autoimmune Disorders, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, and Multiple Sclerosis
3. Anxiety~ Irritable Bowels Syndrome, Panic Attacks, Mitral Valve,Prolapse, and Heart Palpitations
4. Repressed Anger~ Tension and Migraine Headaches, Chronic Back Pain,Tmj,and Fibromyalgia

Procrastination is a thief
Make the time
You are worth it
Spend your money wisely
Invest in your wellness maintence plan today
Adopt good habits

Welcome to the wellness News Letters...Keeping you in the Loop

I’m convinced as a woman, much of our emotional and spiritual healing is going to come through developing intimate connections with one another where we feel safe, understood, and can speak our truth without judgment.
Intimacy develops when we drop our masks, our armor, and the various personas and roles we put on, and we allow another to see into us.
Being around true friends is comforting we laugh, we cry, we share stories, we don’t act like somebody we’re not, we are able to be our real self communicating without pretense, when we speak our truth and extend mutual trust, nonjudgment, acceptance and love that is priceless and cheaper than going to a counselor, now don’t get me wrong we all need to go to a professional sometimes. Developing

intimate connections with other sisters replenishes my spirit, grounds me and energizes me like nothing else can.
When we gather with other sistahs in the spirit of authenticity, acceptance, love, and truth telling, healing happens.
We have to better care take of one another and stop being so judgmental and jealous of each other, we have to remember this is not a race we are running, we are not in competition to win a metal, but we are here to uplift, enlighten, educate and encourage one another.
Women are great teachers have always been, and will always be teachers.
Nurture your friendships take good care of the people that look out and take care of you, now to me that is priceless.

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